
I am an assistant professor at Department of Genome Informatics, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan (Prof. Yukinori Okada). My research focuses on human genetics. In particular, I am interested in elucidating the genetic structure of complex traits, disease risk prediction, and drug discovery. Before completing Ph.D. at Osaka University (Prof. Yukinori Okada), I studied transcriptome and methylome in cancer under Prof. Hiroyuki Mano and Dr. Masahito Kawazu at the University of Tokyo.

Research Interests

Statistical Genetics / Population Genomics / Cancer / GWAS / Selection / Polygenic Score / Drug discovery …


Mar 19, 2024 Updated the publications!

Oct 16, 2022 Started my homepage!


  • Nov 2024 – Invited Faculty, Laboratory for Systems Genetics, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences
  • Oct 2024 – Assistant Professor, Department of Genome Informatics, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  • Oct 2024 – Invited Faculty, Department of Statistical Genetics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Apr 2018 – Mar 2020 Japan Red Cross Medical Center (Junior Resident)


  • Apr 2020 – Sep 2023 Ph.D. (Medicine), Department of Statistical Genetics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Apr 2012 – Mar 2018 University of Tokyo(B.S.[Medicine], M.D.)


  • Apr 2020 – Mar 2024 – Takeda Science Foundation Scholarship

Selected Publications [full list]

  1. *Namba, S., *Saito, Y., Kogure, Y., Masuda, T., Bondy, M. L., Gharahkhani, P. et al. Common germline risk variants impact somatic alterations and clinical features across cancers. Cancer Research 83, 20–27 (2022).   

  2. *Namba, S., *Konuma, T., Wu, K.-H., Zhou, W. & Okada, Y. A practical guideline of genomics-driven drug discovery in the era of global biobank meta-analysis. Cell Genomics 2, 100190 (2022).   

  3. *Mishra, A., *Malik, R., *Hachiya, T., *Jürgenson, T., *Namba, S., *Posner, D. C. et al. Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries. Nature 611, 115–123 (2022).